Can vitamin A become poison? Vitamin A importance .

In this article we will talk about vitamin A which is a double-edged slug. On one side it has many benefits, and on the other side it has a dark side that can cause serious problems. Let's get to know it more...

Vitamin A 's importance to the human body :

Vitamin A is one of the most important vitamins that benefits the human body in many respects because:

  • Supports Vision Health :

It plays an important role in vision and color differentiation, helps prevent dehydration and infections, protects against certain eye diseases such as night blindness and macular atrophy, and provides significant support in improving night vision.

  • Improves immune function :

It resists infection by stimulating the production of white blood cells, which fight bacteria and viruses and help heal wounds quickly, ensuring higher protection.

  • Supports skin and hair health :

It protects skin from harmful sunlight, enhances its freshness, protects it from dryness, wrinkles, and acne, promotes hair growth, and prevents hair loss.

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  • Promotion of bone growth :

It helps absorb calcium and phosphorus, which are essential elements for building strong bones, and stimulates the growth of bone cells which increases their intensity, which contributes to reducing the risk of osteoporosis, as well as vitamin A contributes to the health of joints and reduces the risk of joint infections.

  • Teeth Strengthening :

Vitamin A is based on strengthening the tooth port (the hard outer layer that protects teeth from decay) and also stimulates the growth and development of gum cells which helps prevent gum disease.

The dark side of vitamin a :

Although there are many benefits there is a dark and decorative aspect to it, as its shortage or increase causes major problems that threaten human health, let us learn about them below...

Symptoms and complications of vitamin a deficiency :

Many signs appear when vitamin A deficiency occurs and among the most famous of those symptoms:

  • Dry Skin:

Vitamin A contributes to the repair of affected skin cells.

  • Dry eyes :

Dry eyes are one of the first symptoms with the onset of vitamin A deficiency levels.

  • Night Blindness (Nyctalopia) :

To be able to see the spectrum of colors, the eye needs to produce certain pigments so that the retina works naturally, and when vitamin A levels are lacking, this stops the production of these pigments.

  • Impact on fetal development :

In some cases, this may cause a miscarriage of the fetus, as the development of the fetus requires vitamin A.

  • Appearance of pimples on the face :

A scientific study published in 2006 found a correlation between the low level of vitamin A and the onset of acne.

  • immune system weakness :

This makes you highly vulnerable to infection and viral disease.

  • delay growth and development in children :

Children who do not get enough vitamin A may suffer from problems and developmental delays, as this vitamin is essential for the proper development of the human body.

Causes of vitamin a deficiency :

Many causes occur before vitamin A deficiency, the most prominent of which are:

  • Dietary deficiency of vitamin A..
  • Liver disorders: where vitamin A is stored inside the liver.
  • Some conditions that hamper the intestinal ability to absorb fat, can reduce the body's ability to absorb vitamins, among them: chronic diarrhea, celiac disorders, cystic fibrosis, pancreatic disorders, zinc deficiency, or iron.

Symptoms of excessive vitamin a ( Hypervitaminosis A ) :

3 cases appear when excessive vitamin A is or what some call vitamin a toxicity :

  • Vitamin A hypertrophy in children :

    • Thinning of the skull bones.
    • Double-sightedness (strabismus).
    • The appearance of bloating in the eyeball.
  • Chronic Vitamin A symptoms :

    • Blurry vision or changes in sight.
    • Swelling and bone pain.
    • anorexia.
    • Vomiting is accompanied by a sense of dizziness and dizziness.
    • Sensitization of sunlight.
    • Dry, coarse, itchy, and peeled into the skin.
    • hair loss.
    • Infections in the respiratory stream.
    • mouth sores.
  • Symptoms of severe Hypervitaminosis A :

    • Feeling dizzy.
    • vomiting accompanying severe abdominal pain.
    • Feeling excess pressure in the brain.

Complications of excessive vitamin a :

Excessive vitamin A can cause many health risks, such as

  • liver damage.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Deposition of large amounts of calcium in the body causes kidney damage.

Causes of excessive vitamin a :

When excess amounts of vitamin A appear, they are stored in the liver, and over time they begin to build up, the reason behind this problem is limited to two points:

  • Take dietary supplements containing large doses of vitamin A.
  • Follow some long-term acne treatments.

How do we maintain vitamin a ?

We have previously identified the risk posed by vitamin A if it's level changes from normal whether it increases or decreases, so we must learn together how to maintain normal vitamin A and this is done by knowing some of the necessary things that will help us regulate vitamin A rate:

Appropriate amount of vitamin a by age :

Each person's amount of vitamin A varies depending on their age, the recommended doses are to be adhered to to reduce the risk of vitamin A hypertrophy. The doses are based on age and type as follows:

  • Infants up to 6 months of age: 400 ug.
  • Infants from 7 to 12 months of age: 500 ug.
  • Children from 1 to 3 years of age: 300 ug.
  • Children from 4 to 8 years of age: 400 ug.
  • Children from 9 to 13 years of age: 600 micrograms.
  • Children from 14 to 18 years of age: 900 micrograms for males and 700 micrograms for females.
  • Adults aged 19 and over: 900 micrograms for males, 700 micrograms for females.
  • Pregnant mother aged 14 to 18:750 ug.
  • Pregnant mother aged 19 and over: 770 ug.

Food sources for vitamin a :

In most cases, the body takes its adequacy of vitamin A through dietary sources such as:

  • liver.
  • Fish and fish oil.
  • milk.
  • Eggs.
  • Dark fruit color.
  • Green leafy vegetables.
  • Vegetables of orange or yellow color (such as sweet potatoes, and carrots).
  • Tomatoes and their food products.
  • Vegetable oils.

It can also be obtained through supplements, in which case we will choose the supplement depending on your health needs, for example:

  • If you need a hair, skin, and nail care supplement you can use Reema, which is suitable for children and adults.
  • If you need a nutritional supplement that helps your child grow healthily, you can use Lipo Max.

Prevention of vitamin a deficiency :

To prevent vitamin A deficiency, it is recommended to regularly eat vitamin A-rich foods, especially for people without a chronic or long-term health problem that hampers the body's ability to use vitamin A from the diet. On the other hand, taking vitamin A supplements for people at higher risk of vitamin A deficiency such as young children can help reduce the risk of exacerbating symptoms.

Prevention of excess vitamin a :

To prevent excess vitamin A, supplements or medicines containing vitamin A should not be taken too much without a doctor's consultation until they organize the doses that are right for you and your condition, or will often completely prevent you from taking such medicines and supplements until full recovery.

Vitamin A is a double-edged weapon, a nutrient essential to the body, that has many important health benefits, but overeating it can cause serious toxicity that threatens your health, so it should be used wisely to get its health benefits and avoid the risk of overheating it, or the risk of being insufficient from the body.

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